
victorious children - determinant board
Children in this present age are facing dangerous challenges that probably no other child ever faced down that ages.  The 21st Century world is the most crooked, polluted, perverted and pernicious in history. Injustice is the norm such that most people don't know any more what it means to act right. The earth reeks of moral pollutions and perversions. No nation or tongue is spared. Wherever you turn, sins loom into view and iniquity is seen dressed up in the garb of modernization and technological innovations! Sin has enlarged its scope and influence. Having sown the seed of violence, hate, and moral rot, the world now reaps murder, juvenile delinquency, teenage whoredom and killer diseases. Surely, this world is heading for an awful crash!

Also read: The power of a woman

Now, the inevitable reality is that it is in this same world of filth that your little ones go to school, play, make and keep friends, develop a sense of value and seek models and mentors! Don't you think these kids - boys and girls - need spiritual compass to successfully navigate their lives in this drifting world? Unless you arm your children with spiritual guide by training them up "in the admonition of the Lord" they will be deceived and misled to follow the path of perdition with the rebellious world.
But your child need not be a victim. He can overcome the crooked world if you will seize on the divine provisions for his transformation. If you yourself are winning the battle against sin and have gained immunity to the world's perversions and pollution, you should stoop down to raise your own children up to possess the same experience of all-round victory that you have. They should be helped to live victoriously over, temptation, worldliness, peer pressure, compromise and youthful lusts. How do you do all this?

•By the Scripture: Teach your children the Bible-based principles of holy, responsible and productive living.

•By Supplication: You should continually intercede for your children.

•By Sincerity: Nothing makes child-training successful as the parent's sincerity. Nothing destroys it as the parent's hypocrisy. Let your children see the virtues and precepts you teach them at work in your own life.

Now, your training syllabus for victorious living should include the following, among others:
i.  Training in God's word: Teach your children to love and cherish God's word above every other thing in their lives.
ii.  Training in prayer
iii.  Training in humility: Humility is an indispensable quality expected of everyone who wishes to excel in every aspect of life.
iv.  Training in responsibility: As soon as your child reaches the age of accountability, make him know that his actions attract consequences positive or negative.
v. Training in discipline: Moderate discipline is an integral aspect of success-oriented child training.
vi.  Training in self control: The tendency to be self-indulgent, impatient, selfish and revengeful is in every child. Help your child overcome these traits and live a self-controlled life.
Training in obedience: Make your children know that godly obedience is very rewarding.
vii. Training in education: Let your child go through the best of informal and formal education.
viii. Training in love: Through your instructions, illustrations and personal examples, teach your child the primary of genuine love in his relationship with God and the people around him.

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