
Overcoming negative attitude

One of the basic facts of human experience is that usually you get what your mental attitude indicates. That is, if you believe you can, you can. If you believe you cannot, you cannot. Think negatively, and you will get a negative result, because by your thoughts you create a negative atmosphere which is hospitable to negative reactions. On the contrary, think positively and you create positive atmosphere which positive results a natural.

A close-up of one of the most successful men in America, who started with almost less than nothing, reveals that one of his most outstanding characteristics is that he never even so much as entertains the thought of failure in any undertaking.

How does one go about shifting from a negative to a positive thought pattern?

Also read: Overcoming Challenge And Achieving Success

1. For twenty-four hours, deliberately speak hopefully about your job, your children's grades, your health and your future. Speak hopefully about the prospects for world peace and the business outlook and go out of your way to talk optimistically about everything. This is difficult, but you must restrain yourself from talking pessimistically by an act of will.

2. After speaking hopefully for twenty-four hours, continue the practice for one week. Then you can be permitted to be "realistic" for a day or two. You will discover that what you meant by "realistic" a week ago, was actually pessimistic, but what you now mean by "realistic" is something entirely different: is is the dawning of optimism. When most people say they are being "realistic" they are simply being negative.

3. To make your mind healthy, feed it good, nourishing, wholesome thoughts. Being now shift your mind to positive thinking.Start at the beginning of the New Testament(your holy book) and underscore every sentence that has to do with faith and memorize passage that appealed to you.

4. Commit the underscored passage to memory, one each day, until you can recite the entire list. This will take time, but remember, you have used time to become a negative thicker and it will take time to unlearn your negative thought patterns.

5. Make a list of your friends and determine who is the most positive thinker among them and deliberately cultivate his or her society. Do not abandon your negative friends, but get closer to those with a positive point of view until you have absorbed their spirit: then go back among your negative friends and give them your newly acquired thought pattern.

Also read: Self-Justifying: The Besetting Sin Of Our Age

6. Be careful to avoid argument, but whenever a negative attitude is expressed, oppose it with positive and optimistic opinion.

7. Pray a great deal and let you prayer take the form of thanksgiving, on the assumption that God is giving you great and wonderful things,.For if you think He is, He surely will.God cannot give you any greater blessing than you can believe in. He wants to give great things, but even He cannot make you take everything greater than you are equipped to receive.

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