
a dream for Nigeria

It was Marcus Aurelius who said, "dream big dreams for only big dreams have the power to move men's souls. Dreams are unique phenomenon of human existence. The world dream connotes different meanings but the context in which it will be used here is that which suggests a dream as "a wish to have something or be somebody, especially one that seems difficult to achieve. Many view dream as a vision of the mind which if pursued radically will fructify a much needed reality. 

Many great men dreamt and were able to achieve the perceived impossible dreams. Nelson Mandela dreamt of an Apartheid free South Africa, he fought for it, lived for it and died for it. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream for black Americans to be free; he fought, lived and died for it. On the 4th of November, 2008, his dream was realized when Obama became the first black president of America. What of Nigeria? Do Nigerians have dreams?  For me I do,  I have a dream like Martin Luther Jr. 

I am happy to register this dream which I hope will one day go down as one of Nigeria's finest optimistic historical moments. Decades ago, our national patriarchs whose memory we still venerate, acquiesced to the independence proclamation. This messianic decree came as a great beacon of hope to Nigerians who had been seared in the flames of colonialism. But today, some hundred years into our nationhood, the Nigeria is still not free; the life of the average citizen is still chained by segregation and discrimination. Centuries have passed and we are still counting yet the story remains pathetic, filled with poverty, oppression and above all the threats of division. Thus today,  I write to protest these shameful conditions. 

When the architects of this nation wrote the agenda of  Independence, they passed a promissory note to which every Nigerians was to be heir. It is obvious even to the blind that Nigeria has defaulted on this and falling short of its aim. Like Martin Luther Jr, I refuse to believe that the bank of Justice is bankrupt. I refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunities of our nation. And,  so we have come to cash this cheque, a cheque that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom, justice and development. I have to remind Nigerians of the fierce urgency of the "Now Moment". Now is not the time to engage in the luxury of silence or to accept the opium of gradualism, now is the only time to radically transform and revolutionize our nation following the steps of Gandhi and Luther. 

It is and will continue to be a catastrophe to our nation if she continues to ignore the urgency of the present moment. The heavy pregnancy of the discontent of the majority will never pass until there is a rebirth of freedom and justice. 

One thing worthy of note my compatriots especially those who stand on the warm threshold which ushers into the courts of Justice is; in the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for change by drinking the cup of extremism and hatred. Simply, let our ideal tally with our actions. We must not allow the sporadic rise of insurgencies and religious extremism which has engulfed our nation mislead us to the distrust of the religion of each other, for we must realize that our destiny lies together. The few people of goodwill on both sides know that the freedom of the one is inextricably bound to that of the other. As we struggle, we must take heed to our pledge to struggle together. We cannot walk alone and we cannot afford to turn back. 

There is no gain in enumerating the challenges and failing of our dear nation, the many hardships of the poor, the oppression from the higher quarters, the pessimism that one is logically supposed to feel but like Martin Luther Jr. I want to encourage us to continue to work with the faith that "unearned suffering is redemptive". Go on with your daily struggles of life, be it family, work, school, religion, knowing that someday, somehow and through someone the situation will change. Never lose hope. 

It is in this light that i say to you my compatriots that despite the tsunamic difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have hope in Nigeria. I have dream, it's a dream deeply rooted in the posterity of Nigeria. I have a dream that this seeming failed nation will rise up and live out the ideal of her creed. I have a dream that one day, on the streets of Nigeria especially Northern Nigeria, Christians and Muslims will walk together and sit together genuinely at the table of brotherhood. I have the hope that one day, those states of North, that are sweltering with the heat of insurgencies will be transformed into an oasis o freedom and an atmosphere of peace. 

I have a dream that soon, all over Nigeria especially areas engulfed by ethnic conflict, one day all tribes both major and minor will be able to hold their hands and consider each other as sisters and brothers.

Surely one day, education will be affordable, jobs available, health care accessible, power supply stable, every abnormality will be normal. This is my dream. With this dream, we will be able to transform this nation into what we want it to be. With this dream, we will be able to works, pray, struggle, standup together knowing that we will be free one day. Such is the day we all long for. And if Nigeria is to become a great nation, all these must become true. The labors of our past heroes must never go in vain, we must be able to sincerely serve our fatherland with love and strength and faith. 

To usher in this reign of Justice, peace and development, we must start from somewhere. Let peace flow from every nook and cranny of Nigeria. Let transformation spring from every sector and when this happens, we will be able to speed up that day when Northerners and Southerners, Westerners and Easterners, Muslims and Christian, even traditional adherents will be able to join hands together and sing beautifully the words of our eternal patriarch, Taiwo Akinkumi: "one nation bound in freedom, peace and unity".

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