
Mother and child

Motherhood is the greatest vocation in the world. It is tragic to think that Hitler, Stalin, and Amin of Uganda were once little babies in the arms of a mother. On the other hand, as we study the lives of great men of the world, generally, we fund that they had good mothers. A London Editor submitted a list of people to Winston Churchill who had been Churchill's teachers. He returned the list with this remark: "you have omitted to mention the greatest of my teachers - my mother"one man called the  Lord Shaftbury said, "Give me a generation of Christian women and I will undertake to change the whole society within twelve months. "He continued : "Ladies, our nation, our homes, our churches are only as strong as you are, you are the standard setters. I believe that a better term than house-wife is the word "home maker. " Ladies, you are the spirit of the home. If my wife is away the house is just an empty shell.  "Napoleon was credited with the statement, Let France have good mothers and she will have good sins. "Remarkably, out of the sixty-nine kings that ruled France,  only three were loved by their subjects. Research has shown that while all three were raised by their mothers, the others were raised by governesses  and tutors. The saying is still true: the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty. As mothers, we are constantly looking foe ways to improve our relationship with our children, provide them with proper guidance and discipline them when necessary. But how many of us take the time to get to really know, interact, and make friends with them?  When was the last time you sat down with your child to find what he/she is thinking? The answer may surprise you.

Children, especially during puberty, start to discover and develop their identity. They go through some emotional and psychological identity crises which tend to make them question and challenge established norms. At this point, they start to crave support and direction from their parents, but are not always compelled to ask for it. If you have not been creating room for questions, friendship and interaction, how then can you help them? This is where the issues of being your child's confident comes in.

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