

An enlightening description of a home is given by an author, who said, "A home is a roof out the rain, four walls to keep out the wind, floors to keep out the cold. Yes, but a home is more than that. It is the laugh of a baby, the song of a mother, the strength of a father, warmth if loving hearts, light from Happy eyes, kindness, loyalty and, comradeship. Home is the first school and first church for young ones. It is where they first learn what is right, what is good, and what is kind. Where they go for comfort when they are hurt or sick. Where joy is shared and sorrow eased. Where fathers and mothers are respected and loved. Where children are wanted. Where the simplest food is good enough for kings because it is earned. Where money is not so important as loving kindness. Where even the tea kettle sings from happiness. That is home.

The person who, to a large extent, makes the home this beautiful, is the wife. The day a woman ties the nuptial knots, she becomes a "helpmate". That word carries a lot of responsibilities which must be attended to be every married woman to experience the joy of being a wife.

Many young woman became wives without prior knowledge of what a wife's responsibilities are. Lillian belonged to this category. Moments before, she had flung the magazine she was reading across the room.

"Drudgery, nothing but drudgery" she snapped bitterly, as the magazine sailed to the other end of the room. "Am I a slave?" she asked no one in particular. "Do this, do that!  What do they take me for, a maid?  I have had enough if this thankless job," she hissed, as she sat there, sullen faced, contemplating how to get out of the "trap". What provoked this reaction was the counsel on good home-making she had lacked understanding of her role as a wife. These roles are:

  • Reverence, love and honour for the husband. 
  • Keeping and managing the home. 
  • Submission. 
  • Hospitality. 
  • Personal grooming. 

These responsibilities mean that a wife has to be a loving companion, a helper, a friend, an encourager, a confidant, a supporter, a homemaker, a mother, one who cooperates with her husband in fulfilling God's purpose for his life and the life of their family. All this translated into all kinds of tasks - meals to prepare and serve, beds to make, floors to sweep, clothes to wash and press, shoe laces to tie, runny noses to wipe and a hundred other duties.

Can there be joy for the wife who has so much to do?  Where is joy in all this labour?  The answer to this question depends on what the woman's focus is on. For the wife whose focus is on self, the answer is in the negative - no joy. Such a woman like Lillian will see the responsibilities of a wife as drudgery. She will be full of complaints, murmuring and self-pity. The upshot of this is that such a woman, by her attitude, denies herself the joy of being a wife; her relationship with her husband will be sour; and her home will be devoid of joy and satisfaction.

The situation is however different for the woman who focus on God. Such a woman realizes that the role of a wife is a divine assignment; and she yields herself as God's instrument for building up her family.

So, what is the joy of being a wife? The greatest thrill for a wife is the joy of the Lord in the heart. A wife who does her duties, trusting and depending on God, has an inner joy that cannot be taken away, not even by the storms of life. There is the thrill of seeing her husband growing spiritually and succeeding.

There's also the joy of watching the children grow into responsible adults. What about the joy of a family laughing together, playing together, praying together and standing together.

There are many other things that seem insignificant, but are indeed sources of joy which make the labours and sacrifices of a wife worthless. One of such joys is in watching her husband enjoy the meal she prepared him and receiving compliments for good cooking; the children guzzling up their food and asking for more. Another is a "Thank you Mummy" from the children. This show of appreciation for a mother's care gladdens the heart of a wife. A wife is joyful when her godly influence is appreciated and is bearing fruit in the lives of the members of her family.

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