
Janet stared through the window at the sunny sky, fighting back the tears that welled up in her eyes. She watched the clouds disperse gracefully in the brilliant rays of mid-day sun; the birds chirped and sang sweetly as they flew across the blue sky.

"Nature's in harmony", she moaned, but James and I don't match. He's wrapped up in his own world and won't ever have a peep into mine...!
Well, she concluded, swallowing hard and knitting her brow in defiance, "I didn't get into this marriage two years ago to tickle a man's rib and feed his pleasure at the expense of mine. If James won't hold it on my terms... so be it"

No, woman; not on your terms. Your marriage will fare better on his terms! Of course, your husband has his own duties in the union. There are things he should do to make you happy and feel fulfilled. But if you insist that he forgets his likes and accept yours you will drive your marriage to the ricks. You're to match his taste; and he would be glad to have a "helpmeet" like you.

You're the missing link in his life. Without you, he is not complete
Therefore, for him to experience a meaningful living in the marriage, you must help him satisfy his natural and godly desires. When you do this, you match his taste.

•His Spiritual life.
Godly men put God first in their lives and they take their relationship with Him very seriously. They also seek ways to deepen their commitments to God's work and excel in their ministerial duties. To fully achieve this, they need the support and encouragement of their better halves. Bearing this in mind, you should always make effort to boost his zeal and passion for spiritual things. Be a helpful, thoughtful and dependable companion on his journey.

•His Nutrition.
All men love good food, and your husband is no exception. Find out his taste and meet it. If you have to read some cookery manuals or seek counsel, do it. Food can furnish your marriage with deep love or finish it off with divided loyalty that often attends a man's search for good cooks or tasty eateries.
Good food doesn't have to be expensive. Within the limits of your family's income, you can prepare him nourishing, palatable meals of his choice. Even in hard timed, you might compensate the lack of all the essential ingredients of a super meal with royal presentation. A simple meal presented in a dignified manner (well-laid table, clean cutlery, dishes and water, with juicy fruits) will make his heart bless your name. Remember, his taste, not yours, determines his meal and its preparation.

•His Appearance.
Not all men care enough about how they dress. They complain they are busy and in a hurry to meet deadlines. It isn't that most men have no taste for good looks. They do, but they can't bear what it takes to dress well all time. Therefore, their wives should help them out. Find out his preference and help him realize them. Help him appear neat by helping to update and care for his wardrobe.

•His Worries.
Paradise isn't here. There are rosy times and there are thorny times; and a man is born to experience both. A man doesn't necessarily need someone to enjoy the jolly-ride of pleasure. But when sorrows like sea billows roll; when fate suddenly turns cruel and the sun sets at midday, a man needs someone to help share the pain and remain calm waiting for things to change.
As a "help meet for him" you're to provide him the needed moral and emotional support whenever he faces great challenges and his courage appears to be melting. He needs your care, comfort, company and counsel when he's ill, tired, confused, disappointed and discouraged.

•His Marital Needs.
One of the divine purposes of marriage is that human beings may lead pure lives by abstaining from fornication and adultery. Most men decide to marry for partnership, procreation and pleasure. Thus, your husband surely has a taste for marital pleasure; and it is expected that you will match this.
In conclusion, matching his taste helps both of you achieve compatibility. For, as you strive to seek his welfare so will he be moved to seek yours. This reciprocal caring will deepen your love and banish friction from the union. Match his taste and reap the gains.

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