
Are you a winner _ determinant board

A young man asked his Dad, 'Am I a winner?' His Did replied, 'I don't know, son.  Are you? ' I am asking that question now of you..... Are you? Are you thinking about what you need to do to become the next big banker, lawyer  artist, tennis player and taking steps NOW to achieving that goal?  We all hail people out there from different countries excelling at all sorts of things on an international level. Don't you think, that can be you? It's not going to be easy,  you've heard that before (and its true by the way), so why aren't you deciding you are up for the challenge and going for it?  There are little things you do even now that stop you without you realizing it. You think there is no way you can pass that course in school, so you don't try; you think there is no way you can win that competition that will give you something so you don't enter it; you think there's no way you can please your boss because he wants you to work harder, so you quit......
These are not the actions of winners. The difference between a loser and a winner is that the winner dared to try, they took that chance / risk and it paid off and where it didn't, valuable lessons were learnt for the next venture. Why don't you dare to begin today? Here are a few pointers on identifying and achieving goals that will help you on your way to becoming a winner.

1. Do you have that strong desire to do or be something?
Have you been dreaming of being a business woman, Neurosurgeon, writer or boxer etc. all your life? And nothing else has interested you? Everyone actually agrees you should and you keep being encouraged.

2. Do you think you can do it?
Are you being realistic? You might admire Serena Williams and love the fact that she is one of the worlds best tennis players and you really want to be like her and play BUT you have no hand-eye coordination and cannot catch a ball to save your life! You would like to be a medical doctor but you pass out when people vomit!!! You ain't gonna make it honey! Are you will to go for something else?

3. Do you know your strength and weakness?
You might want to be a singer like Beyonce but she has to rehearse, work out, attend PR functions etc.  and barely has time to breathe everyday... Will you be determined to do what it take and not falter at the first sign of trouble or hardship?

4. Do you have the means to do it?
Do want to go to school abroad to study and can't afford it? Have you got this brilliant business idea but you don't have a penny to your name and no one to loan you the money but you are bent on achieving the impossible? Can you modify the idea, so you have a chance?

5. Do you have the winning character traits?
Are yourself assured, confident, self-motivated and even-tempered? You may not have all these traits but they are definitely traits to be acquired for a winner. When you have confidence in your decisions you as well as being motivated enough to follow them through and even-tempered enough to deal with situations that will arise in the course of it all, Negative traits like self-criticism, laziness and anger, for example, will not help your quest for success. These traits must be worked on to enable you not be your own worst enemy in any of your endeavors.

6. Have you answered these questions honestly?
If you found drawbacks, do not be deterred. You have just highlighted things that could potentially be a problem. Your next step is to draw up a plan and execute it. It might take days, weeks or even years but you are half way there with the winning attitude. I wish you all take this seriously.

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