
Black American

There is a word that can stir up emotions quickly now! So many people have such strong views upon this subject which it is actually hard for a lot of individuals to discuss it with an open mind. My goal is to help find their way you through this somewhat controversial subject and uncover a few of the truths that you may well not be aware of. It doesn't matter what race or ethnic background you may be, if you are a closed down minded person you will not agree with a few of the things I'm about to cover.

Growing up I knew racism was bad but I didn't fully understand what racism was. I thought racism was slurs, blatant discrimination and hating someone based on their skin color. But I now know that it is a seeping system of invisible causes that effectively keep people of color in a long lasting 2nd class status. It is the foundational fabric of our modern culture woven with principles, behaviour, stereotypes,policies, laws and economies.Let's have a stroll down the memory lane....

  • Wealth In Between 1993 and 1962
Money and Racism

The American government backed $120 billion dollars of mortgage loan.But they refused to back home loans for black People in the usa or even if dark-colored folks lived near by.

1. This practice called redlining essentially required black Americans into poor metropolitan centers( the beginnings of the ghetto).

2. Segregated America to this day.

3. Managed to get impossible to invest in the continuing future of black neighborhoods.

4. Made it impossible for black Americans to start inheriting property and wealth the same way white Americans did.

  • Education
Racism in Education

Property taxes fund schools, this means families that live in nice residences( maybe ones got by making use of authorities) get a better education. It means more opportunities, more resources, more relationships, more jobs, and more$$$$!!!! Having less educational opportunities intended that many black folks were pressured into low-wage manual labor.

  • Job Applications
Job Application In USA

Today, when looking at the same exact job application, businesses are 50% more likely to call back again a prospect with a white sounding name rather them someone with a ghetto name.

  • Mass Incarceration!!! Racial Profiling Is Racism
Mass Incarceration!!! Racial Profiling Is Racism

More DARK-COLORED adults are actually incarcerated than were enslaved in 1850 a decade before the civil war commenced!!! Black colored men are actually imprisoned 6 times the speed of white men. The communities of colors are policed more harshly. They are doubly more likely to get pulled over. There have been several incidents of unarmed black males getting shot by the white cop.

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