
Have you ever just stopped to think about how your life would be much easier and more predictable if you had a means of looking into the future? Do you ever take the time to listen to your inner voice, that gut feeling you get or are you so busy running after meaningless things that you end up missing the important opportunities that only come your way once in a life time.

Have you ever been afraid to ask for more? Or do you believe that you shouldn't get more than you are actually receiving at the moment? What are your dreams and desires? What do you want out of life? Are you prepared to live in the shadow of another and always come second all your life? Don't you think it's time you stepped forward and took charge of your life? Ask in fact demand for what is your due without fear because you know your worth.

Also read: Dream Up, Sit Up, Stand Up: Part 1

Men out there seen to be more confident than women about measuring their worth, speaking up for themselves, demanding and going after what they want. Why can't woman be more like them?
Women need to learn to be better at getting what they want. Figure out the next step in your career/love life. A certain amount of strategic nudging can go a long way. Don't be afraid to raise your hand at meetings and share your ideas whether it is taken or not it shows you are trying to contribute constructively to what is going on around you. Don't be afraid to front yourself for a desired post because you think that if you openingly ask for it people will look at you as being too forward. Trust me if you keep quiet, the opportunity passes you by. Just be sure you have what it takes to deliver. When you are offered an opportunity, radiate big-time confidence, step forward boldly and grab it with both hands. Remember figure out what you want, articulate it, find a playmate of two or more and let the adventure begin. Spring up and get noticed.

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