
first date - determinant board

Nothing says "adrenaline" like a first date with that wonderful person who has barely left your mind since you met him/her. These dates are really important because in the end, they say whether or not there will be other dates - nobody wants it to end before it even starts. So while the tension ties knots in your belly and makes you second guess all the clothes in your wardrobe, there are some terrible mistakes you don't want to make on that date. Now note don't you calm your nerves and take note of these tips so that there can possibly be another date

Nobody likes a busy body. Do not over talk, over dress, stare sheepishly (you should do more of glances or mutual looks), over eat and so on. The point is people hardly like extremists so you do not want to give the impression that you are some kinda freak or a desperate person. First impressions matter a lot.
Be yourself; do not over-exaggerate the truth or tell white lies to impress your date. Such lies show up to haunt you later on if a relationship blossoms. Eat like you normally would. Guys like ladies who do not eat too self consciously and with pleasure .

When I say 'dress right',  I'm saying put into consideration your comfort and the occasion. If the date is dinner at a fancy restaurant, you wouldn't wanna wear a hoodie and jeans (for the guy) or dungarees (for the ladies). You will want to look relatively formal with the gut in s shirt and pants or even a suit and the lady in dress-Lil Black Dresses never go wrong.
After you've ascertained the right dress code to stick with, make sure that you are comfortable in what you picked out. If you do not feel comfortable in very skimpy clothes, stick to something less revealing, as you do not want to struggle with self consciousness throughout the evening.

It is a first date and you cannot possibly know all there is by the end of the night. You want to stick to the regular getting-to-know-you questions. By the time you are done with those, you would know what mutual interests the two of you have or what aspects the other person might feel free talking about. You have to be sensitive enough to know when a topic makes the other uncomfortable and let it slide. Many people especially the guys now capitalize on s3x talks even on the first date. There is more to a relationship than that and you do not want the lady to think you came after her just to get laid; even the cheap ones hate to think so.
Talk about yourself; tell funny stories and be reasonably open. No matter how hot you look, what will really make your partner want another date is how much he enjoyed this one. Do not forget your sense of humor at home jokes and witty banters add the extra zing to it all.

No matter what you do, do not sleep with your date on the first date. If you do, do not expect it to turn into a relationship. No one wants to build something serious with someone who will fall into bed with the next person she meets. Besides, you may not end up together and it would have been for nothing. Self respect is vital to any relationship and you don't want to start without it.

Many things, we have heard tales of guys bailing on their dates. Ladies, always carry your backup cash. You do not want to get embarrassed because you were unlucky to have a not-so-gentleman as a date.
When the bill comes, wait for him to move for it then reach far r your purse to help out till he says otherwise. You can then say a polite 'thank you'. If he doesn't stop you from helping with the payment then split the bill with him and avoid any drama.

Nobody is perfect but you don't want to appear to be all trouble. Know when to say 'thanks' or 'excuse me' or 'please'. Be kind and friendly to other people as well. I am not saying you should be pretentious but an ample measure of good character would do more harm than good. Some people look out for how you treat the waiters; react to a traffic jam or how you act when irritated. Act right .

This is for the ladies. Nothing scares a man like a desperate woman and you do not want to appear to be that. This might seem a weak point but its potent enough to hinder another date especially if the date was not mind-blowing. Resist the urge to call or text him afterwards. If he enjoyed himself, he will get in touch if but if hr did not, maybe you should let him go gracefully.
These are some basic tips to having a successful first date. Use your discretion as well. People are dynamic so there is no hard fast rule that works for everyone. Do not  be too mechanical in the bid to follow all these tips so that you do not get to enjoy the date at all. I hope you have great experiences as you explore the world of friendship and romance.

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