
Culture _ determinant board

Culture refers to the way people does, the values the cherish and uphold. Culture in other words is that complex hole which include knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and many other capacities and habit of people. It is also the cement that holds the people of a society or a nation together.

So if we are to go by these definitions of culture, one would not be mistaken to say that we are on the verge of loosing grape of our cultural heritage. For instance some parents do not make effort for their children to understand or speak their indigenous language. When such parents are confronted, they are quick to defend that their children are attending special schools with special teachers from the moon, so that they can only speak and understand the English language. What such parents fall to realize is that they are divorcing their children from their root.

Another instance is that of greeting. It is our culture to greet especially our elders. In recent times this is no longer the case. We now find children staring at elders without greeting them. Some children which background makes it mandatory to prostrate while greeting, tend to disregard this aspect of their culture all in the name of being civilized.

Another striking and pathetic example is that of dressing. In the days of our forefathers, wearing clothes made a woman more dignified as the cloth covers more vital part of her body. Moreover, women and young girls were respected more, in looks around big cities reveals that the story is now different. Clothes are now design to expose the vital part of the body. Those wearing such clothes have lost their sense of cultural decency.

It also part of our culture to be our neighbour's keeper but that is not the case today because we are up and about chasing after money and trying to be something else. This nonchalant attitude explains why we have criminals or people of questionable characters living in around us. This situation is now getting out of hand in the sense that if one goes into the neighborhood asking after someone even in a block flat, one would discover that many at times that the occupant of the flat do not even know there neighbours by name or what they do for a living. So far, it is said that an average European would at least know what his next door neighbour does for a living even though he might not pay him a visit.

It is high time we make a U-Turn and stop throwing cautions to the wind.

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